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Worshipper & Warrior History

Probably the best phrase for the creation of this ministry would be “a road less traveled.” Ryan and I never anticipated that when God was speaking about planting a church, we also might be planting a men’s ministry.

Both Ryan and I were quite broken at the time.  I had resigned from the church I had pastored for twenty years, and Ryan was in a major transition from his lifework (at least that’s what he thought at the time) as a trust officer in a bank. Both of us were hearing from God that He had a new road for us to travel.

During this time, I was writing a document (that would become a book) on the journey of David.  The title Worshipper and Warrior seemed to fit the character of David and it was through this document that God gave us the vision to do a “retreat” with men.  We didn’t want to call it a retreat; we liked the word “advance” better.  Hence, we launched out on our first advance, The Wholeheart Advance in 2015 with eight-one guys.

Little did we realize that this Advance would become so popular. We have now done seven Wholeheart Advances.  Thus, the Worshipper Warrior Men’s Ministry was launched, and we have done the Wholeheart Advance, Wildernesss Encounter, Worshipper Warrior Intensive, and weekend breakfasts for men, all across the U.S.

If you want to learn more about the different ministry opportunities we can provide for your church, explore the website and contact us.

Whole Heart! Live Free!

Dr. Steve Holt & Ryan Styre