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This Year’s Goals

By Andrew Fitchett

A mission statement goes a long way towards defining who you really are. Pulling words from thoughts about your values, what drives you, what you are passionate about, you can form a pretty accurate mission statement that defines what you care about, what you strive for, what you are made of.  My mission statement is as follows:

I will inspire my family and others to discover and act on God’s purpose for their lives, through mentoring and adventurous living in compassion and holiness. I will serve as an example of action, reflecting commitment, strength, love for God’s Word, and standing firmly on God’s Truth to defend the defenseless.

But what is purposed living without goals? We are striving for something, but how do we know if we are successful? We need goals. I know I will need to set some more specific goals going forward, but I believe I found my goals this morning. I re-read Matthew 5:1-12. I won’t quote it here, but rather, go read it for yourself. These will be my goals; these will help me measure where I am in my quest.

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