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Continued from Jedi Warriors Part 1

Read through the Bible and consider the countless times God did the most unlikely and remarkable things through the hands and prayers of His servants.  They were so often just as grungy and unlikely vessels as we are today, but it wasn’t about them. It’s about how great God is, not how great we are.  In the same way that the Jedi were, in and of themselves, small and singular, they were immensely powerful when they allowed a greater power to flow through them.  Their faith in the Force, their familiarity, trust, and experience in that power turned their hands into tools, useful for great things.  Let us be similar channels of the Holy Spirit and His power.  When we are seeking oneness with God, and submitting to His will, we will be the most prepared to allow Him to work in and through us.

The Jedi were masters of their light-sabers.  Even while they compiled vast libraries of knowledge (consider the Temple archives), they sought to live in harmony and peace with the world(s) around them. They walked in close union with the underlying power that animated the universe. The Jedi were always ready for a fight.  “Give peace a chance,” some might say.  I am reminded that in front of the building where I work, I have often seen a man holding a sign that says, “Non-violence works”.  Let’s look at the words of the Apostle Paul in Romans 12:18, “If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.”  Notice that Paul didn’t say, “Go out and let evil triumph everywhere.”  After a thorough study through the Bible about the warrior-ship of God, set forth as our example, I believe we are to be ready to stand up for good and fight evil.

The Jedi sought tirelessly to be proficient with their chosen tool and weapon, and to master their craft.  I believe it was as much about being a proficient warrior as it was about the ethic of mastery itself.  As a result, they enjoyed excellence second to none.  They were greatly admired, and even feared by those with less-than-honest motives.  The Jedi were respected.  Let us, as Christ followers, seek to be highly proficient in our chosen or given trades and responsibilities, and especially, in developing the skills to push back evil and darkness.  Let us be respected (for God’s glory) by those around us, and feared by our enemy.

For some of us, our vocational life may involve wielding physical weapons, and preparing for combat in various forms.  But whether we wear a uniform or carry a weapon professionally, we are all engaged in daily struggle against good and evil, light and darkness, between God and His enemies.  We all experience spiritual warfare every day, whether we are tuned into that reality or not.  While I have occasionally dodged punches in my line of work, I am far more often confronted with the fights that occur inside of me.  To turn from selfishness, to walk in purity and faithfulness, and to be honest with myself, others and God.  Let us develop our martial skills and, “… put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground …” (Ephesians 6:13).

So today, as a Worshiper and Warrior for Jesus Christ, I am going to begin practicing the life of a J.E.D.I. Warrior.  I am going strive to live with Jesus, Every, Day, Inside.  I’m going to pray often to my God (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), seeking wisdom, knowledge, and intimacy with Him.  I’m going to live in, and seek the power of the Holy Spirit in my life, allowing Him to demonstrate His power through me.  And I am going to allow God to train me for war, to be mindful of the spiritual realm, and to be ready for the attacks of the enemy when they inevitably come.  May we all do the same!

P.S. I apologize if you haven’t seen the Star Wars movies, and my references to the movie scenes are, therefore, unfamiliar to you.  Some people are just beyond helping …

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